Hi, I took ipill last Aug 24 (11am) after having sex on Aug 20 and 22. we used condom only after 5 or so minutes without it. then aug 24 (4pm) we had sex again and morning of aug 25, both using the condom only after 5 to 10 minutes without it again. Then Aug 29-30, I experienced headache, breasts tenderness, nausea, feeling of vommiting, pain in the abdomen and lower back though not too much pain. I took a urine pregancy test on Aug 31 morning and it came negative, the afternoon of the same date, I started bleeding but not so much. I was scared but it looks like period but it only lasted until 3 days, my normal period is 5 days at least.The period came early as I am expecting it by sept 10 at least. Also my period was not as heavy as I used to have, but I also experienced adbominal pain during that menstrual period. I read online that it's still possible to get pregnant even though you were bleeding as it could be caused by implantation in the uterus Now I don't have period anymore but I have lower back pain but not really painful. What do you suggest I do and what could be it? I am planning to get another urine pregnancy test this week and might visit the doctor to get some blood test to confirm. Please advice. Thanks!