Is this a heart problem or panic attacks? I have had panic attacks in the past and I have had chest xrays, ekg, echo,nuclear stress test and was told I was fine. I had these tests 2 years ago. I have latley been getting a strange feeling in my chest in the center, not like pain or heaviness but like a cool breeze is blowing against my chest. I am constantly in fear of having a heart attck. I am 42 , female aliitle overweight like 20 lbs and smoke about 10 cigarettes a day and I do drink alcohol most nights 5-8 drinks , usually beer. Please help. I don't want to go to the ER again and be told it's panic. I don't have health insurance either.
Well, when the testes are negative then its hard to say. Besides your lifestyle is more worrysome you see. Cut down on the poisons, do regular aerobic exercises, cut down your stress,relax. It will help you calm down and regain confidence over your body.