It feels like a heart attack , but it s not a panic attack? My chest, mainly my heart area, but some times it feels like the whole chest area, some times hurt really bad. It s random. I only used to get them when I was intoxicated, but I got 2 yesterday, sober, which is really unusual. 2 in a row, so quick, I mean. It feels like a heart attack, and literally leaves me gasping for air. It feels like... my chest/heart is being compressed really bad, but also like, it s exploding? I m not sure. But, nothing helps, I just try not to move or anything cuz that seems to be better than moving, and they can last for 5+ minutes. I m not sure what it is, and it just seems like I m not able to breathe either. Any help? Uhm, I don t think regular chest pain should feel like this. I pretty much double over and fall to the ground when it happens, that s how bad it hurts. I m 16, and my parents won t let me go for stuff they can t tell, you know? Like, if the problem isn t visual, like say, hives , then, they don t want to pay for a doctor . So, I can t just go to the hospital. I m a healty weight and height, just so you know. And, I get heart palphitations and irregular beats. Sometimes it pounds so hard, you can see it, easily. Other times, it speeds up randomly, or slows down, or feels like it stops/skips a beat.