Hello doctor, last year september i got viral fever,lasted for 4days, just b4 the day i fell ill i took a weight check and noticed my weight dropped 4m 49 to 45 and the very next day i was down with high fever and bad headache! Since then i have noticed my body exhibiting strange symptoms! After 4 to 5 days of my fever i had bad pain in my left pelvic area and only left uluva of my vagina hurting when touched! kind of a needle prick and i had it till last month which is now kinda gone! I had right ear, left eye and oral infection(as in itchy tongue only at 1spot and itchy roof of my mouth with tiny bumps on the soft papate and now my teeth has gone sensitive)! After the eye and ear infection the right side of my head above ear feels full and somewhat heavy! I lost a lot a hair only from the right side, no dandruff or fungal infection! Following this was severe teeth sensitivity with no gum infection, have been to several dentists and got xray of the teeth but no sign of nothing! In the month of jan this year till feb i had stiffness in neck, pain within my left chest, pain in the under arms and felt something happening with my heart which was as if my heart skipped beats and it happened to me 5 to 6 times on different occasions. along with this i had pain under my right lung area! visited a doc, he told me it was mild ephysema, was there till last month and now disappeared. i have had itching in the fingers hands and legs, with itching more in hands which used to give rise to red track marks that disappear after 2 or 3min, in the fingers the itching has been only near veins and vein turn blue and prominent both b4 after straching over the area! The back of my neck, left side just below my head hurts and itches, with itching in the shoulder and arms, severe stomach ache only during periods, this starts from 10days b4 my periods thru till 6th or 7thday of it! and this month again i din notice it! On two of my periods during june and july i had red large highly itchy bumps appearing only over hand and leg joints that is ankles, elbow and knees 3days b4 the start of periods and disappear 3 to 4days after my periods! It happened to me only twice and din reappear the next month thats august! in august i had killer pain, kind of throbbing pain in every bone, especially in joints which dint come again, but did have mild pain last month and the month last to that! My little fingers do hurt sometimes! kind of a pull! Im 23, sexually active, my periods r normal, i dont have nights sweats, my weight is now 50, no abnormal discharge from vagina, nothing at all except for my neck and my whole right side body, specially my head that feels heavy! Im confused! r all the pains here and there in my body generalized swelling of the lymph everywhr? ear and eye infection sinus related or some infection of the brain or chest? Or is this something related to my menstrual cycle?? Im going crazy plzz plzzz help!!