my mother is 93 has heaviness on the entire left side of her body. She went to the emergency room at our hospital and they gave her many tests: cat scan, blood work, ekg , after 3 hours she was released. this occurs about every 3 months, with the same results, nothing they can do. Moms neurologist has not helped her at all. She has seen other neurologists and heart specialists and spine specialists...none of these doctors have helped her. She has legs fasicuations for 8 hours long almost every day. when the legs become tired it stops than she sleeps, as this keeps her awake. The leg fasiculations have been going on for at least 10 years and now getting worse, no one has been able to help her. she take gabapentin , clonasapin to help relax the muscles. Tonight right now she is saying that her left side has been heavy since 3 pm. Any advice