Hello Doctor,
I am a 46 year old woman with IDDM, a history of mental illness (anxiety depression, with one diagnosis of Bi-polar disorder from one psychiatrist, another as Recurrent depression from a different psychiatrist). My episodes of depression can last up to one year followed by a period of wellness and productivity and functionality. I have a 22 year old daughter with Spastic Quadraplegia CP, and two other children (young adults). I have a Bachelors Degree (Social Sciences) and wish to return to study next year.
Unfortunately, I have turned to alcohol in the last 10 years to combat the various trials presented to me in a fairly frenetic life.
I have engaged with Drug and Alcohol Services 3 times in the past 2 years, each time entering a detox programme as a way to decrease my reliance on alcohol, I do not take any non-prescription drugs. I do take Insulin, obviously and Sodium Valproate for its mood stabilising qualities.
I experience reasonable frequent episodes of Bacterial Vaginosis and have been prescribed Tinizadole (FZ) Tab 500mg 4 by my GP. I am aware that there is a 72 hour alcohol abstinence period pre and post taking this drug. My problem is that I am finding it difficult to do this. I returned to my (new) GP and explained this and she prescribed Diazepam (QA) Tab 5m b.d to assist with withdrawal symptoms as the BV is making my diabetes unstable and needs to be dealt with. I also have a new referral to D&A services who have really left it to me re-engage as they really that with all that I have to deal with, I am coping extremely well and that I have all the tools, just need to sharpen them a bit:).
I know this has been a very long-winded question. I apologise but want you to know the background.
To cut to the chase:
Is this the method of treatment you would advise and;
What is the worst case scenario if I were to drink whilst taking Tinizidole?
Thank you for your advice,