Hello Dr. Bienenfeld: I am a healthcare professional of 14 years, 4 years as a physical therapy assistant/office manager and 10 years as an escalated accounts manager and sr. tech support engineer in radiology for one of the top 5 providers. (McKesson, GE, etc). Last March I was introduced to meth. My usage grew after 5 months from weekend usage to daily, consuming 3.5mg (8 ball) over a 3 week period, using small amounts daily. If anything, my usage has decreased because i'm finding it is not a "energy high" any more but more a strange thought bender. I lost my job in May of last year, but not due to performance; but due to politics. To this I am true. Recently I have have had a "breakout" of small red dots (just visibile, no itiching, etc.). Once a driven individual, I find I am lackluster about finding a job, relationship, etc. Also, I was diagnosed in 2000 as alcoholic. My consumption has been increasing to 750ml a day. I am quite functional and that is on the decrease. What is your advice sir?