Hello Dr., I am 34 years old, married from 8 years and have two kids. I am working in Dubai but my family is not with me here, I go on vacation every year for 1/2 months. And my routine to have almost daily sex while I am on vacation with my family is from the day one when I get married. Before everything was perfect but now I am facing erection problem. My dick doesn't stand properly, even if it do but as soon I insert, the erection gets lose. Also before I could do 15/20 intercourse or more but now it don't last of at-least 5 minutes even.
I want you to please tell me some great permanent solution for the longer tight erection and intercourse.
I read about the Kegal Exercise for it on the web. What you say about that. Or if you have any other better solution or idea. I will highly appreciate your guidance and help.
Thank you.