Hello Dr, how r you, my questions is 23 years ago I had a traumatic birth, carried my son 44 weeks 5 days overdue,in the mean time I had been suffering from Urinary tract infection, untreated for 5 months, received Spontaneous rupture of membranes from being induced twice which failed and I was given Halcion and panadol to help with the pain, 2 and half weeks before my son was born, 2 and a half weeks later I was rushed in for an emergency c-section, Manual removal of placenta and retained products. One week later i got really sick and was rushed in for a Emergency Mid line Laparotomy and the drs found Pelvic abscess collection anterior to the uterus, right hand side broad ligament, left side pouch of douglas(deep), Perionitis sepsis, fibrinous Exudate over the omentum, Caecum, Uterus, between Liver and Diaphragm,,,,5 years later i had my daughter-c-section and they found considerable adhesions to the anterior abdominal wall....now 23 years later I am severely sick and suffering severe pain, when i wipe i have this stringy like tissue with blood,,,severe abdominal pain, more to the right, and severe pain in my tailbone(i can feel my tailbone moving side to side). Can you please give me some advice