Hello, I am a 21 year old female overall really healthy and I've never had anything wrong with me not even the flu. So recently I think I've been having symptoms for a UTI, I have had one before except this time feels for severe. I do have an irregular period so I don't know if that plays a factor in anything. I have not had unprotected sex since I first started my symptoms. My last UTI all I had was the urge to urinate and burning after urinating. This time around I've gotten stomach cramps, burning when I urinate and also burning when I wipe. But I don't have the urge to urinate frequently this time. Unfortunately, I lost my job a few months ago and haven't been able to find a job yet, I also have no health insurance whatsoever and I'm not able to pay to go see a doctor. I've been taking over the counter medicine to relieve the pain but I doesn't seem to be working, I've also been drinking a ton of water and cranberry juice. Sometimes I just wake up in the morning and I already feel a burning sensation. So my question is, is this a UTI or something more severe?