Hello, I am a 24 year old female. I think I might be pregnant but am not sure. The first day of my last menstrual cycle was May 31st, I usually have 35 day cycle. I took a home pregnancy test when I missed period and had a faint postive. I took another test, to be sure and it was negative. I decided to wait to see if my period would come because I started cramping in my lower left side. The cramping lasted on and off for 7 days then came a clear/white discharge that lasted for 3 days. This was unusual for me because I never have discharge. I decided to go to the emergency room to get it checked out. The nurse said she didn't see much discharge when she looked but yet I've been having to wear a pad at home because of it. They did a urine test and said everything came back normal and I didn't have any infection but they would not draw my blood or give me a blood pregnancy test. She said my period is likely to start and I'm probably just having menstrual cramps. It has been a week since the er visit and still no sign of a period, I am having hot flashes, pain in the center of my back and frequent urination. Could I still be pregnant even though the urine test is negative. Today is July 14th. Please help answer my questions.