Hello, I am a 29 year-old male and a little less than two weeks ago, I had unprotected sex with a woman, the very same day I started experiencing a rash on the head of my penis, it soon became leathery, a little scaly looking, kinda swollen, a bit patchy and red, before doing research I was washing it with soap, for a few days, after I stopped washing it with soap, I was drying it with toilet, in a pinching motion and I noticed the tip was becoming puffy and a little darker, from chafing I suspect, the meatus was irritated and a bit swollen, I started to apply anti-fungal cream and it started to clear up a bit, the thing is, I've been really anxious, so I kinda mess with it a lot, earlier today I think I tore my urethral opening messing with it, I should add the sex was really rough and dry, I'm not circumcised and I haven't been tested, also, I get urge to pee a lot, I'm honestly concerned because I'm not sure if the tear in my urethral opening is in a fact a tear or something else, it looks more like a slit, not really round, hopefully you can help, thanks