I am a female, 21, with one child of 16 months.
I have been having some serious pelvic pain in both sides, front and back on the right side. Pain has become severe that i cannot even sleep at night.
My doctors ran some tests, such as a Borrelia test, which came back positive twice, but it turned out that they were false positive after punction. They have also done a head MRI as a MS runs in our family. Been to colonoscopy and the biopsy indicated atrophy but no other problems accept for lymphocites grouped together freely.
I have also been diagnosed with pcos syndrome and today the ultrasound revealed fluid in c.douglas. My other problems(all of them listed from september on)include 4 month period of unexplained diarrhea with several dihydrations, swelling of the arm, elevated blood pressure, asthma, optic neuritis, head pains, optic neuritis, minerals indeficit(potassium, calcium). Tests also revealed elevated value of 17-OHP(apart from pcos sydrome)and i have not had my period since the begining of october.
I am really worried that i my condition would worsened and to turn out to be a tumor or something, as cancer is no stranger to our family.
What worries me the most right now is my pelvic pain, as ovaryan cysts are not supposed to hurt and i dont know where the fluid has taken from. (I also have high bilirubin, so i suppose it could indicate liver problems?). My mother also has state 4 kidneys disfunction.
That is about it from me for now.
Thank you in advance and thank you for any opinion you may give me.
Thank you