I am concerned about a recurring issue.
I participate in dance and flexibility classes. Whenever I do any training involving bridge pose (upside down) elbow or hand stands or anything similar such as back bend stretches, I cannot sit up for around 5 minutes because the pain a get is so intense. It is all the top of my head, forehead and around my eyes. I can smell and almost taste blood very strongly aswell and feel very sick and disoriented.
It goes on for around half an hour and I can only relieve it by lying flat on the floor and testing whether it has passed by sitting up.
I'm not sure whether it is related but a few weeks ago, I woke up in agony. Headache, chest pains and struggling to move. It took me about 20 minutes to sit up. I fought myself back to sleep as I thought it would go off. The next morning (2hours later) I felt very badly and had very poor vision in my right eye. It was black asthough I was covering it and slowly improved over 10 minutes ? :/ thank you. Melissa.