Hello I am worried about my husbands recent visit to the E.R. I do not feel he was properly treated to to a real shitty(pardon my french) nurse. Anyways he has very sharp pains in his upper stomach chest pain (that made him literally cry real tears,he NEVER cries, nor complain about pain) and now I keep hearing him stop breathing all together for more than 45 sec while he is sleeping. He has gruesome horrible dreams that startle him awake panicking, as well. The hospital told me he had stopped breathing 2 times (during this time they would not let me go back with him, mind you) they said they gave him a shot of something they give people that have sever panic attacks, this was to "calm him down " what it did was completely knock him out. Then they practically push us out with a discharge saying he has acid reflex !!! I have been looking everywhere online not once has there been anyone stoop breathing and need o2 which that is what they had him on when they finally let me back by the way.