Hello, I have 2 questions
1. I will be visiting my doctor for routine blood tests and cholesterol analysis. The tests are processed by machine, and I am wondering if a visual examination of the cells could detect the beginnings of cancer before symptoms appear.
2. I am interested in a more comprehensive blood testing to determine whether I am deficient in any vitamins, minerals, or other items. I want to OPTIMIZE my health, not just have adequate or minimal levels of whatever.
I am not concerned about the costs of these tests, and wonder what you recommend. I take Clopidigrel,(75mg); baby aspirin (75mg), and metoprolol tartrate (25mg AM and 12mgPM) along with a variety of other supplements-CoQ10, Bvitamins I have 3 cardiac stents.
My doctor believes that this testing is unnecessary and I should just keep eating and breathing until I expire.