I have been exercising regularly and taking creatine either 5 or 10 grams daily. I have been taking creatine for the past 6 years, and prior to 2010, for another dozen years at leaset. Back in May of this year, after reading an article about the benefits of increased dosages, I increased my intake to 20 to 30 grams per day, spaced out throughout the day and the results were amazing. I do not consume red meet or poultry and my main source of protein comes from Eggs, fish and legumes, nuts, milk, and milk products...
I got back to benching my previous record of 315lbs., my squat was at 405 for 4 to 5 reps, and I could do multiple sets of chin ups 10 at a time ... (Back in Sept. of 2017, I had a surgery to reattach a torn distal bicep tendon in my left arm, so I have been on a hiatus from benching for 6 months, per doctors orders, although I did one arm dumbbell work and got to 110 lbs. and even did light one arm work with the operated arm - up to 60 lbs._
Anywho (sic), I am 58 years old, semi-retired and am an Accountant (CPA) ...
Back in May of this year I had a very stressful falling out with my elderly father ... I got so worked up that my heart was about to jump out of my chest ... Shortly thereafter, i started having trouble falling asleep and sleeping in general and my hear was racing ... I continued working out but my strength kept dropping precipitously and soon the sleepless nights were taking a real toll ... I lost about 16 lbs., down to 238, and my heart rate, which has always been normal and resting was in 60 beats, is now about 95 all the time and hardly drops below 85 ... I stopped taking Creatine, thinking it was the culprit in my insomnia, but nothing changed, finally, after 2 months, I started eating some protein before going to sleep, cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, and going for walks at night, and this past 4 nights, prior to today, I was able to get a full night sleep without any melatonin, which I was popping up from 10 to 15, 10 mg. just to get 4 to 5 hours of sleep, usually between 3 and 4 pm and to 10 am ... Yesterday, my wife and I did not go for a walk and I fell asleep during the day for about an hour, and once again I could not fall asleep ... Finally, after taking 10 pill of 10 mg. melatonin, milk, cottage cheese, etc., I fell asleep around 4 am til 10 am ... I gotten so week that I once could bench 225 lbs for 10 strict reps with a pause at the bottom, now I can barely do 4 reps ... The squat, is down to 275 for 3 reps, whereas I could do a dozen for 315 ... I don't know whether this is a central nervous system issue or what could be the culprit ...