Hello, I have been going out with Bob, now 62-y/o for about 1 1/2 years. From the beginning of our relationship, he had a "wheeze," (rales, rhonchi, or wheeze?). He is worsening (more difficulty breathing and more consistently audible "wheeze") and does not deny difficulty breathing, but insists he is very healthy. I have told him because he has not seen a doctor for a physical for I don't-know-how-many-years, not knowing what he has and not getting a treatment plan for that negatively impacts our relationship. He has an aversion to needles and will avoid them so extremely hesitant to go to a doctor. I do not know what his pack-year history of smoking is, but he has smoked for about 30 years total and quit a year ago through hypnotherapy. He has difficulty most times walking a block or two and says how can he have a medical condition if he quit smoking. I told him quitting smoking only helped whatever condition he may have. He is 5'10", thin, and does not have much appetite. He does not like taking much medication. Not sure what my question is, but could he have COPD or asthma?