I have been having spells of waxy build up on my scalp. My hair appears wet and feels wax like to the touch. Regular shampoo does not wash the wax out. I have to use Palmolive(it's tough on grease!) All jokes aside, after around 3 days it clears up. It may be two weeks or 2 months befor I have another spell.
Last year I was restricting my diet. I'm 5'4'' and currently weigh 137lbs. Last year I weighed 112lbs. During this phase I was having severe pressure in my inner ear daily along with the waxy build up in my hair. Now that I've gained weight I don't experience any inner ear pressure but I still occasionally have a wax build up on my scalp. I'd like to lose 17lbs but I don't want to experience the symptoms above.
Could the waxy build up be related to my diet restriction? I have not had a build up in 3 months? Could it be caused by hormonal problems?
I take lamictil for epilepsy, pristique for depression, and adderall. I also have adult acne on the sides of my face and jaw line.
Thank you for your advice,