Hello I hope you can answer my question and help ease my mind. first off I suffer from HIV OCD and anxiety. Over 2 months ago I was unloading equipment that I was using with other people (a air compressor and fire extinguishers)after unloading the equipment I noticed that I had a small scrape or cracked skin on my left middle finger knuckle, I also had some dried blood on the back of my hand. This got me into a panic with all the what ifs, what if someone else cut themselves and then I did and I was exposed to thier blood thru this little scrape!
Then 3 weeks ago. I borrowed a metal tape measure from a co-worker, while using the tape measure I pulled the tape out to far and while trying to put it back into the tape housing it sprung back and sliced my thumb pretty good, I did'nt need stiches but it did bleed alot! again I freaked out and started all the panic and OCD things.
I asked the person whose tape measure it was if he or anyone else had cut themselves like I did and he said NO I was the only one to do that!
I know you can't get HIV this way! But my OCD gets me worrying for my wife and family. I've given blood 6 times in the last 18 months, the last time being on March 3. DO I have anything to worry about with these two incidents(the scraped knuckle or the tape measure cut)I restarted taking Zoloft 3 weeks ago for my OCD.
please help me! I want to get on with my life and stop worrying!
These were the only two events. Thank you.