Hello, I need advice on wether to see a doctor or not. Around 6 months ago I abruptly developed "pure-o" OCD and extreme anxiety. Since then I have not felt right and I'm sure it's because of the illness but I have so many other symptoms I'm worried something could be wrong with my brain. Over the past 6 months I've developed "snow vision," a lot of light sensitivity, and eye floaters. I see weird "starbursts" when I exersice or in weird lighting. I get headaches constantly. I feel either over emotional or numb most days. I have Moderate-severe depersonalization and derealism... I have ringing in my ears constantly. Sometimes I have trouble finding words I'm looking for quickly, and I feel in a fog all the time or just "out of it". Sometimes my memory is so bad it takes me forever to even remember what I did yesterday. I feel out of place in my own body and not like me at all, I feel like I've been drugged all the time. I am dizzy a lot of the time and I've been more clumsylately. I feel like something is really off what should I do? Do you think this is all caused by the OCD/depression? I'm not on any meds besides BC. Or could it be something else...? Thank you.