Hello , I never had sex before ,I lost my virginity to mansturbation couple years ago I believe.
Lately , I've been very much stressed , possibly dealing with , grief, anxiety and depression.
I tend to masturbate a lot , prolly to cope with whatever I guess.
I used to do vaginally masturbation , with something. Lately I noticed that I bleed after it.
So , I stopped vaginal mansturbation , more to that I started to itch .
Mind you , I've been to the hospital before ( not a gynecologist) . My blood test showed that I had candida albicans and I got prescribed nistatine for that.
For the itches I experienced , I started washing with saforelle then cyteal .... which eventually took the itch away.
My discharge color is lately clear if I might say or milky white I think . ( I'll need to check again ) .
A week before last , I don't know if it's useful information but, my right eye kept tapping everyday , possibly all day.
I took a week off work ( this week ) , and stayed at home. I felt like my body was shutting down on me , and I had this horrible migraines that I mainly deal with on a basis.
Earlier Today I mansturbated ... ( clitoris mansturbation ) . In the morning. Prolly around 11 am. Around 6 pm I started feeling sick..
My head started hurting and I felt nauseous per usual .( everytine I get these migraines that's how I feel ).
I took paracetamol at some point. ( I tend to take à lot of pain killers since I get these migraines à lot . )
Around 7 pm , I notices that I was bleeding.
It was not real menstruel blood , but non the less the tissus paper turned , brown .
At the moment I'm typing this message , I checked again and It was a red or dark red blood mixed with mucus that I saw on the tissus paper.
I used to think that , I injures myself during vaginally mansturbation , that's why I bleed, but today , I bleed after clitoris mansturbation ( mindo you , I mansturbate a lot . Maybe 2-3 times a day most days. ) my period is prolly on the 26th of this month or in 5 days I'm not sure. Today is the 14 th. Last month my period came on the 26th .
I can't afford a gynecologist at the moment so hopefully I get an insight from you thank you.
I tried my very best to explain everything . Please can you explain me what's possibly going on with me and why do i bleed.