Hello. I recently started a methadone treatment to help with withdrawals from Norco use. I started 2 days ago on Friday morning. I felt surprisingly well on Friday. Saturday, not so much. I woke up with a bad case of hiccups, which doesn't sound bad, but hiccups for me, last for days and make me feel nauseated, which leads to vomiting.
Saturday afternoon, I started getting close to vomiting, but was able to hold it back. By Saturday evening, I was unable to hold any food or liquids down. Crackers soothed my nauseated feelings but that quickly led to vomiting.
This morning, I continued the cycle. Barely eat and throw it up shortly after. I started noticing that the vomit was a pretty solid brown color. This has been common all day now. I have had no brown foods or liquids. A quick Google search tells me that it MAY be bile. Also noted that I have not had a bowel movement since Friday morning.