Hello. I'm a 46 year old female with 4 days of ongoing hives on my face, neck, forearms, lower back, under my breasts, armpits and groin area. I also have a good bit of facial edema, and it's recently spread to my neck. My face and neck are hot to the touch, none of the other hive areas feel hot. I'm on day 2 of a 10-day Prednisone step down course, have had a Solumedrol shot and am taking Tagemet, Zyrtec and Bendadryl. I do have significant seasonal allergies, mostly to grass, but never with this type of reaction. I've had no symptoms of respiratory or swallowing distress.
24 hours ago I began running a 99.2 temp off and on. Since hives typically follow a different pattern than this for me, I'm curious. I'm also tired, which is not normal for me during a course of Prednisone. I have a follow up with my primary in 6 days, but am not sure if I should wait that long.