Hello: I'm a female, 53 years old. Since last month I have a tingling sensation in my lips, left cheek and it traveled to the forehead. I went to ER and is not related to a stroke. It happens now almost each night when I go to sleep (tingling and numbness and sometimes I feel it in my tongue). I have Hashimoto thyroiditis and have never taken any medicine. (10 nodules). A neurologist found poor sensation in fingers and toes, and high amounts of B12 in my blood work. Everything else is normal. I have traces of blood in the urine. No galbladder, no appendix. Schedule for a hysterectomy in December three fibroids. Thyroid biopsy was done twice (last in 21/2 years ago) negative. Cancer of thyroid runs in the family and parathyroid problems. I'm in my last year of DrPH degree and I'm puzzled. Not sure what is happening. I try to control stress levels, but my work is demanding.