Hello :) This is a question for a Pediatric Nephrologist or Pediatric Urologist. At my 20 weeks echo, Doctors told me that my amniotic fluid is lower than 5, the lungs looks smaller, the kidneys are at 13mm, so they are very small and they couldnt see his left foot. They told us that it would be better to terminate the pregnancy. We told them we wanted to give it a chance and have another echo 10 days later. When we re-did the echo they told us that the liquid is now at around 5, so it increased a bit. they could now see the left foot, the lungs looks ok, the thorax seems more normal but the kidneys are still small at 16mm. I am at 23 weeks of gestation. Is there anany thing we can do so the kidneys grow faster? And is there a chance forr the baby to live and not have problem in the future? Please I need all the help I can get....So I can make a difficult decision...I don’t want my child to go through dialysis. Thank you so much...