Hello doctor. how are you today? pls i'd like to share a very important issue with you.
Misoclear was administered both orally and vaginally to my wife about 21 days ago (precisely 24th august, 2015) to terminate a pregnancy. before then, it was ascertained that the pregnancy was not up to 8 weeks, and that there was no ectopic pregnancy, using ultrasound and blood tests.
As expected, there was serious abdominal pain and bleeding. Clots and conception remains were coming out within 7 hours. A pain reliever (buscopam) was recommended by our doctor and administered. The pain disappeared after the 2nd day of administering the pain reliever.
Since then, we have been seeing blood stains everyday till now. In fact, about 2 days ago, we started seeing more than 'blood stain', it became a pronounced smear, making her feel wet, but not up to the volume of a normal menstrual flow. I read on a medical note that the blood stain my be seen for up to 2 weeks to 45 days. Is it still safe?
Yesternight, She started complaining about a sharp around her "belly button" internally, which has become more profound this early morning. She feels weak and cold.
I am writing to seek medical advice on what to do. And to ask if there has been no internal damage, or complications. I also want to know if it has not affected her womb negatively.olal
Thaanks so much in anticipation of your response.