Hello, i got anesthesia on friday the 9th and they intubated me. i was told i’d have a sore throat for a couple days but what i’m experiencing is way worse than a sore throat. my uvula, back of mouth, and throat is very swollen, red, and irritated. it is incredibly painful to swallow even water or my spit. like hurts so bad it causes me to shake and cry. it’s painful and hard to talk as it feels like i’m choking on my uvula when i talk. the pain shoots into my ears and around my jaw and is mostly a sore and burning feeling but at times it feels as if i’m having throat cramps. as of today it has gotten hard to swallow in addition to painful. it feels as if i have to force myself to swallow my spit. i went in to an express care clinic and she swabbed for strep, which came back negative, and then sent me on my way. gargling with salt water hasn’t helped, ibuprofen hasn’t helped, cold and heat make it hurt worse. is there anything else i can be doing?