I have all the disc in my neck and back herinated, I have seen Dr. morgan Lorio in Bristol tn and went to charlottesville they told me the same thing, that they would have to start at my neck and go all theway down too the lower back, which i know will take several surgeries and i am 63 years old and not williing to have all the done, I also have a small tumer in the middle of my spinal cord , and of course i am in pain all the time, with out the medication i would not have any quality of life, so i thought this pillow mignt help the neck some, and advice will be appreciated and taken into consideration. Thanking you in advance, Joyce maynard, YYYY@YYYY I AM SO SORRY TO HAVE BOTHERED YOU, i DID NOT REALIZE THERE WAS A CHARGE FOR THIS AND THE SHAPE I AM IN I DO NO HAVE TO FUNDS TO SPEND ON THIS, AGAIN i AM SORRY.