Hi - checked into emergency last night, due to fluttering heart beats. Heart had been beating strangely for severally days, hindering sleep. EKG was normal, blood work normal, except my anion gap was low (6). Doc was at a loss what it was, but advised I should see a cardio doc after weekend. Was wondering if it is an electrolyte issue, and if I could be doing something to help my heart out. It is working overtime right now, and no definitive answer as to why was found. Heart trouble runs in my family. I am 62 yr old female. Father died of heart attack at 39, and many aunts and uncles died young, so I crummy genes in that regard. Should I be considered, and are there any things I can try on my own to stop heart from fluttering? (I do plan on going to a cardio specialist when I can get in for an appointment). thanks:-)