Hi! A week ago I and my girlfriend were getting cozy and we kind of got on with the flow. Although, we did not have any kind of pentrating acts, but i did rub my penis over her clitoris, also to be noted that i pulled myself away before any kind of ejaculation.
Later on, she saw a white residue on her private parts, and the said were her labia. She got scared thinking that it was something to do with me. Her periods were due in a day or two after we did it but she doesn't seems to be having them. It's just been 5 days since we did it. Also, just to be cautious and for her satisfaction, she did take a pill within the first 48 hours. Now, she doesn't seem to be getting down but also has a feeling of nausea and is down with high fever. We don't know what's happening, because all of this seems practically impossible.
We did not have any kind of intercourse, on top of that we also did take the pill just to take out any kind of possibilities. Please help!