Hi! At my initial OB appointment I had a full panel done and negative for all STI's. 4 months later suffered from ruptured membranes and admitted to the hospital. L&D took a urine through a cath and sent to be tested. Two days of prophylactic antibiotic treatment in the hospital to keep infection away that will eventually cause labor. Test came back positive for Chlamydia after the two days. I requested a 2nd test to rule out false positive, came back positive. Requested a third test and asked for it to be sent to a lab outside of the hospital. Came back positive also. Treated with Az antibiotic, one dose. two months go by, had a follow up test, negative. 15 years ago diagnosed with chlamydia and PID. Took antibiotics for it. All med prof told me only way is husband infidelity, especially with a negative panel four months ago. Is that the only explanation, infidelity? Husband swears he never cheated, especially with a high risk pregnant wife.