Hi Doctor, 2 weeks back I burnt myself with hot tea (it was boiling tea) , on the upper leg. There were many blisters on my open leg. I applied water for 15/20 mins and then tooth paste. Post that I applied Silver X on the burnt area. It took two weeks to skin to dry up. I started taking antibiotics after 3 days, which included paracetamol and a tablet which was for reducing itching if there is any.
Was the treatment right?
Do I still need to apply Silver X (my wonds are now getting dry and old skin is peeled off)?
I am applying coconut oil twice a day, do I need to apply anything else.? I have got a suggestion of applying neem oil and haldi also allovera gel.
One more thing before closing there was one else big Blister of 6 inch long. Does it mean it was a second degree burn?
Was tetanus injection required on day 1?
I am sorry I have so many questions, since it created a topic of discussion and debate at my home.