For the last three weeks I've been having some discomfort in my penis. Mainly is an urge of urination and some lower-abdomen pain, sometimes was like a full-bladder feeling. The tip of my penis is also more sensitive, sometimes it hurts when it rubs against the jeans or If press my glans. I dont have any rash or strange body and I haven't noticed any discharge. The symptons started right after having sex during which the condom broke. My urine was tested and results came out negative but doctor prescribed me doxycycline for a week because he said my lymph nodes were swollen. Came back a week after that because I still had some discomfort, saw a different doctor, made me an urine test which came negative again and prescribed me doxycycline for 4 days mores given that my lymphs nodes weren't swollen anymore. The day after finish the medication, last thursday, came back to the doctor, the same as the second time, because I still have some discomfort and made me a new urine test, a blood test, an ultrasound and an urine culture. I'm still waiting for the urine culture results whether the other tests came out negative. He also took a sample of my penis' fluids to check gonorrhea which came out negative as well.
Lately I've been noticing a strange odor on my genitals and like a burning sensation on my testicles. Today I sarted feeling as well an strange taste in my mouth, which I think it could have been caused because I constantly check my genitals so whatever I have down there might have spread into my mouth.
What's causing me that? Could it be a yeast infection? If I got tested for STDs the results are valid taking into account that I finished taking doxycycline on wednesday morning?
Thank you in advance