Hi. Four years ago I was diagnosed with acute Hep B that is now totally gone. Since that time I have had a burning sensation in my gut and the docs kept giving me Prilosec, Prevacid, etc sayings that I had excessive stomach acid. The meds made me burn worse. About 2 months ago I was given a huge dose of antibiotics by my doctor thinking that I had H. Pylori. I didn't have it, but the meds sent me to the ER and after an ultrasound I was told that my pancreas was HUGE. Knowing a little about the body, and what doctors say about the pancreas I panicked and went for a CT scan two days later. Scan showed a normal pancreas. Now I have the symptoms of a yeast infection (white tongue, vaginal burning, burning while urinating) and new doctor thinks it may be invasive yeast infection. I have been given Diflucan for 1 week. Now my feet are either burning , or icy cold, my tongue burns along the sides, and I get burning sensations running down my arms or legs. My tongue is finally starting to look normal again. I have not returned to doctor yet--go in 3 days-- to get results of all the lab work that was ordered, but I'm wondering if all these symptoms are normal, or maybe my pancreas was affected and it could be more of a diabetes issue.