Hi, I am a 19 year old female and about 4 months ago, I came off of birth control (alesse) because I really prefer not to be on hormones. I initially went on these pills when I was 16 to regulate my period and mood swings because nothing was ever regular and my mood swings would dip dangerously low. Now I have gotten a better grip on my mood swings and crook myself off the birth control in hopes of leaving the hormones behind. But I didn't get my period for 3 months after stopping and then when I finally did get my period, it hasn't stopped. It has now been 27 days and I am frustrated, worried, and very concerned. This did happen once before I went on the pills where I missed my period for 6 months in a row and then I steadily bled for 32 days. I got some blood tests done at that time but there were no bad results.