Hi, I am currently in the hospital and receiving solumedrol. Normally my blood sugar, by finger prick and blood fasting runs in the low 80s. I have never had any signs of diabetes. My blood sugar has climbed in the hospital 130, 151, and now 172. At 130 they wanted to give me insulin shots. I just want another opinion since I have never had to consider an insulin shot before. I have read climbing sugar numbers with solumedrol can happen. At what number would you consider insulin shots? Do I have any other choices? I try to eat lots of fruits and veggies, but since my blood sugar is like this I have eaten green beans, carrots, peas, turkey, hard boiled egg, one helping of breakfast potatoes (today), and one fresh fruit cup (today), and big bowls of lettuce, lots of water, and nondecaf herbal tea. Thank you in advance for your time