Hi , I am iulian , i have a hidroneproshis from birth when I was a kid , I had 2 surgery back in romania in past , then I had a normal life as my doctor sayd . Anyway in lst 3 mouhs I had some infections , I went to do some further investigation but in uk take some time until rezults came . I am booked only in 2 mounth with urologist to find out what my rezult are . The thing is I have like flu symthoms for over 2 mounths . The flu is coming and leaveing , I think my imune system is down , also now I feel very tired , I have headache , I was going to a doctor he give me trimethoprim antibiotics, I completed course , then I took day nurse for flue , and now I have pain on back on my kidneys , and yellow urine .. Is that posiible that antibiotics or day nurse make my urine yellow and give me pain like that ? I am worryed about my kidneys .. Plz help . Sry for my english , is not my first language ! Thank you