Hi. I am suffering from pretty severe allergies right now and bought a product to help these. I have taken a few and it seemed to help. I am also very sensitive to food and am now trying blood type A diet which seems to work pretty well. I went off the diet yesterday and now I don't know whether is was the food or the allergy pills, that made me have reaction.
The pills work pretty quickly and I was a bit suspicious. Most of the ingredients are plant based herbs.
I could list all of the ingredients if you want. My severe food allergies have been brought under control with food allergy elimination accupuncture, but now these issues with pollen have surfaced and I cannot be treated because it has to be done while everything is covered in snow, trees, grass,etc. and since we have not had any or little snow this winter I was not able to be treated. All the other treatments have worked beautifully, I CAN EAT AGAIN. I don't take any medication, except for HBP meds.