I had unprotected sex a couple of weeks ago, a few days after the guy found this really faint red spot on the head of the penis. He's afraid it's syphilis and has seen a GP, who recommended Terbicad.
Thing is, the day after we had sex, I went down on him (oral). Everything was normal then.
I've examined every nook and corner of my body, but there seem to be no symptoms... like rashes, discolouration, warts and so on.
Nothing out of the ordinary. I even got my period just 4 days ago. I've checked my mouth for any inflammation or discolouration but nada, nothing strange.
Could it just have been a fungal infection on his penis?
I'm only asking because I'm not insured and want a general opinion before I spend the money on doctor visits and tests and such. I know I shouldn't be cheaping out on such a thing but the coming two months are quite tightly budgeted for me.
Thanks for your help.