I have a rare disease called Tracheobroncheomalacia. I have had tracheobroncheoplasty in Boston at Beth Israel Deaconess. A cage was built around my lower trachea and bronchial tubes in an attempt to keep them from closing. The surgery was partially successful but I am now on oxygen full-time and my CO2 retention rate continues to climb.
I recently discovered that while in the Marine Corps., stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, the water had been contaminated from 1957 - 1987 with the following three chemicals:
Perchloroethylene, Tetrachloroethylene and Trichlorethylene.
Since my excellent care givers nor myself have any idea how my TBM happened, I was wondering if any or all of those three chemicals could be the cause?
The United States Environmental Protection Agency characterized Trichlorethylene as carcinogenic to humans and has caused cancer of the tonsils, throat, liver, stomach and lungs in other marines, years after discharge.
The VA has encouraged veterans to file claims for any VA disability compensation for "any injury or illness" that may be related to the veterans time in service at Camp Lejeune so in an attempt to find the cause of my disease and maybe compensation, I was wondering if any or all of those chemicals could be the culprit.
I have 12 siblings and countless relatives and none with any breathing issues what so ever.
I appreciate your input and thank you.