I have been having problems for at least 5 years on and off with bleeding after sex, pain and bleeding between periods. Originally it was just bleeding during/after sex, sometimes it seems like quite alot although I realise it probably isnt. Then I started having pains after sex that felt like period cramps and nausea. This seems to have gone at the minute although it may not have because obviously I do not have sex too often because of all the bleeding. I also have light bleeding between periods, at the moment I have light bleeding for about a week before my period so I am bleeding at least half of the month then the bleeding after sex on top of that. I have had full sti tests, smear test, colposcopy and hysteroscopy all coming back normal. I have tried giving up hormonal contraception for the last 7 months but this does not seem to have done anything much. I have just been to the doctor again and he basically just said theres nothing else they can do...this can't be normal, its very disruptive to be bleeding so much on top of being terrible for my sex life. I am getting married soon and want to try for kids but this is so horrible to bleed every time and also worries me alot.
Thanks for any advice,