I have just been to see a doctor and I have been given a referral to see a gynaecologist.
my situation is as follows
last year I had 2 consecutive abortions within the space of 4 months, between june and september 2014. I had a Mirena inserted during the final procedure.
Since then however I have had some changes in my period.
The blood from my period is alway a dark brown, sometimes black colour. M period now last for a longer time than before. I used to bleed for only 3-4 days, now it is 10-15 days of bleeding and spotting.
When having sex with my partner I get sharp pains when I feel his penis around my cervix area. I also nearly always bleed, brown blood after sex.
I have also been experiencing sharp stabbing pains in my lower abdomen when my bowels become really full, even from gas. These pains can be so sever as to bring me to my knees crying out in pain. and are followed by cramping for a while after.
could i have cervical cancer