Hi, I have question relating to critical illness insurance. Not sure if you can answer this for me but worth a try....
In February this year I had a right radical orchidectomy after finding a lump on my right testicle. I haven't had chemo but I am on a 5 years observation plan.
I have critical illness cover with Canada Life which I pay for monthly through my employer. I recently sent through my claim and what medical evidence I could obtain from my Consultant Oncologist.
I contacted Canada Life today for an update on the claim and they advised that they needed to right to the Consultant for his opinion as the histology report I submitted isn't fully clear.
The definition for pay out in Canada Life is "Any Malignant Tumour positively diagnosed with histological confirmation and characterised by the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells and invasion of tissue"
On one of the letters my Consultant sent to my GP it states that Histology has confirmed Teratoma pT1 and on another report I have it states the size of tumour is 16mm and calcified. It also mentions differentiated somatic elements (WHO teratoma) Yes, only component ad then states Special Features: Post-puberal teratoma comprising smooth muscle, bone, cartilage, adipose tissue, sebaceous glands and intestinal type epithelium. No immature elements or somatic type malignancy is seen.
It also says background testis: Germ cell neoplasia in-situ is not seen. In addition there are no dysgenetic parenchymal changes or scarring.
I'm thinking that I may not be covered reading what I have and I know only the Consultant will have the answer but any advice and can offered would be appreciated. The main thing is that it hasn't spread and I am recovering well but you take these policies out for a reason.