Hi, I'm currently on the pill, about a week and a half ago I missed 2, because my big sister was in hospital having a baby and I had left my wallet in mums handbag which had my pill and mum stayed in the hospital with her and I couldn't get my pill.. When I got it back I took the last one I missed then took that days on at the normal time I take my pill, I was bleeding like brown blood, which I assume is from missing the pill, it stopped bleeding as much and kind of went to spotting then was barely anything, but today its come back like light brown and pinkish spotting, so since I missed my pill I've pretty much have been spotting but at first it was heavier. I did have sex before I missed the pill, and I've been feeling a bit different, I've been on and off feeling like I'll throw up especially after I eat, I've had a little bit of pains in my boobs, and when I touch the bottom of them sometimes they'll be sore. I really don't think I could be pregnant, but it's just been weird with what's happening with my body so i was wondering what it could be... I also get like sharps pains in ribs every now and then which comes and goes maybe once a month but only last a couple of minutes but last week it was really bad and then pain went into the side of one of my boobs which never happens so I was wondering if maybe someone would know what that might be. Thank you