Hi. My name is Anisha. I had my first set of Botox in March 2015 and since then I've been loosing a lot of hair and experiencing severe scalp pain. I didn't know what the cause was at this point until I had my second shot in August 2016 .. Two weeks after the second Botox I was loosing ridiculous amounts of hair. I'm Asian and I started eith extremely thick long hair and now my hair is very very thin. My hair loss isn't slowing down, my scalp hurts. The pain is sporadic, very very sore to touch. It's now 9 months since my last Botox and there isn't any improvement in the loss. This is stressing me out loads. I can't focus on life. Am loosing my hair, I've been for professional medical advice and I've been told it's nerve damage and Botox possibly the cause. I have two children and after my second child I lost hair 3 months after he was born in 2007, but never once did I experience scalp pain. When I run my fingers through my hair i loose around 10-15 strands, this could be 5 to 6 times per day, and in the shower am loosing more than 50... I see hairs everywhere on the floor, stuck on my clothes etc. am so scared. Will this ever stop. Am petrified of it getting worse.