Several years ago my left teaticle was swelled with extreme pain and increased in size by 10x after consulting doctor swelling was gone but my left testicle became flabby and got decreased from actually size by 75% ( size compared before that swelling & pain occurred) also I had realized after that incident my semen became watery and all stickness, thickness ia gone after than I consulted doctor and taken several remedies Conium Mac 1M for several months, Pulsatilla 30 for several months, Arnica Montana 1M for several months, Selinium 30 for 2-3 months but still I am not cured however Conium Mac decreased flabbiness & improved semen quality by 20 % but after leaving that medicine whatever improvement was noticed are reversed and testicle became falbby with decreased size as observed before taking medicine & semen quality was also reversed like noticed before taking medicine.
Can you please suggest me some remedies which will cure me. Thanks