Hi.. So last night I smoked meth and like always I didn't sleep that night or eat ( I never eat, I don't even get Sick anymore) I drink heaps of water and hardly do anything (I don't strain my body) but like always, the next morning, about 3-4 hours about I have finished using I get sick (nausea) it's made worse by heat, physical movement, motion(E.G. Going down a slide/rocking/ect...) and eating! I can force food down but it always comes back up! (P.S. I have GERD but am taking pills that are really helping) sometimes I even sweat intensely! Why does this always happen? And what can I do to get this feeling to go away? Take a nap, drink more water ? Sometimes if I strain my body while in this state I just vomit tummy acid and water. Why does this happen and what can I do when it does ?? Thank you(: