Hi about a month ago I splashed boiling water down my chest and on my breast. I had bad second degree burns on my left breast. I went to an immediate care got treat and got sent home. I've healed up pretty well skin is growing back But I'm still a little sore at times. I'm now getting ready to start my period and normal to me my breast get very sore, but now I've been noticing my left breast is in alot more pain than my right. (And I'm not surprised about that since my burn) but the pain is very similar to when I first burned my self. Its not burning pain, its shooting pain from my breast to my armpit to my back, tonight I noticed a bump under my left underarm. The bump isn't on the surface it's deeper in my underarm, it doesn't hurt to touch and it's not rock solid and it's not really big, just never noticed it before. I'm not sure if it's something really serious that I need to get checked out right away or if it's due to my body getting ready to start my period, or if my burn has affected lymphoids and maybe should wait a week or so, or just until after my period.