Hi and thanks for answering! Symptoms: intermittent pain in testicle (especially right side), more frequent lower back pain, exercise seems to exacerbate pain and sometimes swelling of scrotum. Feel small lump on right testicle. Felt swollen tube at bottom of scrotum and pressure/push caused pain in testicle, one time event. Had a left side inguinal hernia 2 years ago. Late June this year had EXTREME pain in lower abdomen - exact cause not determined - they saw small ulcer in stomach (may have been caused by ng tube.) Ulcer now gone. No mention of possible kidney stone but I wonder... History of gerd. Otherwise very healthy, exercise & eat right. One medication taken, simvastatin. Daily: CoQ10 100 or 200mg, potassium, magnesium, fish oil. Fairly consistent resting BP 115ish / 75ish.